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Select desired command from that menu: Uninstall – start the uninstall of selected application with Revo Uninstaller; Kill – stop the application; Open Containing Folder - open a new instance of Windows Explorer and explore. Search at Google for - use it to search with Google for the application name, file.
Dote de son algorithme rapide et evolue, Revo Uninstaller analyse les donnees d'une application avant sa desinstallation et passe un scan apres sa desinstallation. A la suite de l'execution du desinstallateur integre au programme, vous pouvez effacer les fichiers, dossiers et cles de la base de registre inutiles et qui
Select desired command from that menu: Uninstall – start the Forced Uninstall module of Revo Uninstaller Pro; Stop Auto Starting – disable the application from auto start when Windows starts; Kill – Stop the application; Kill and Delete – stop and delete the application;
For detailed instructions and more info about all the features of Revo Uninstaller Pro, You can review the User's manual of Revo Uninstaller Pro in different file formats or browse it online. By default it is included in PDF format in your installation and to open it, start Revo Uninstaller Pro and go to Main menu -> "Help"
Revo Uninstaller helps you to uninstall programs that won't uninstall. Revo Uninstaller lists installed applications in details, icons and lists so you can uninstall them easily.
Uninstall and remove programs in Windows with Revo Uninstaller Pro easily!
15 Jul 2015 Any program may leave a lot of data in your computer after its removal. There are tens of thousands of applications that leave a lot of unused data, such as Registry entries and files and folders in your computer. Not all leftover Registry keys in your computer are errors, so third party Registry cleaners cannot
8 Feb 2013
6 Jul 2017 Sometimes uninstalling a program becomes a difficult process. Windows' inbuilt Add/remove program tool isn't always the perfect solution. It is slow and usually doesn't remove all the traces of the application in your PC (like registry entries of the program). Revo Uninstaller is a great replacement for http://clashroyaledeckbuilder.com